I don’t think I ever put this much effort into making a list. The past decade I have listened to music in near obsessive quantities, and so there were tons of records to go through and evaluate. I could have picked them from memory, but I wanted to take the time and give all candidates another good listen. This actually kicked some albums significantly higher up the list, and as a consequence, some others went down or even off the list entirely (I’m sorry Dillinger Escape Plan).
The other reason this list took longer, is because I wanted to use it for an experiment with my website. The list you (hopefully) see below is loaded dynamically from the Discogs API. Making and maintaining lists on Discogs is convenient, using their gigantic and accurate database. I haven’t gotten around to a lot of styling, or making the script re-usable, but I am definitely excited to explore doing more with the Discogs API in the future.